I read the text file with below data and am trying to convert it to a dataframe
Id: 1
ASIN: 0827229534
title: Patterns of Preaching: A Sermon Sampler
This is just a start. Since im not a pro in regExp I will let others do the magic. :)
Either you define the rules for every object and do something like this.
ids <- do.call(rbind, regmatches(regexec(pattern = 'Id:\\s+', text = text), x = text))
ASIN <- do.call(rbind, regmatches(regexec(pattern = 'ASIN:\\s+', text = text), x = text))
title <- do.call(rbind, regmatches(regexec(pattern = 'title:\\s+', text = text), x = text))
Or you define a general rule, which should work for every line. Something like this:
sapply(text, FUN = function(x) {
regmatches(x, regexec(text = x, pattern = "([^:]+)"))
sapply(text, FUN = function(x) {
regmatches(x, regexec(text = x, pattern = "(:.*)"))