Based on I have the following C# code to resize an image using Azure Functions.
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Since you are using CloudBlockBlob type to bind outputBlob. You could check whether this blob exist or not using following code.
if (outputBlob.Exists())
log.Info($"520x245-{blobname}.{blobextension} is already exist");
log.Info($"520x245-{blobname}.{blobextension} is not exist");
//do the resize and upload the resized image to blob
Currently, Azure Function doesn't allow us to use CloudBlockBlob in output blob binding. A workaround is change the direction to "inout" in function.json. After that, we can use CloudBlockBlob in output blob binding.
"type": "blob",
"name": "outputBlob",
"path": "mycontainer/520x245-{blobname}.{blobextension}",
"connection": "connectionname",
"direction": "inout"