I created a matplotlib´s figure in a QMainWindow
, using PyQt and I am trying to add a button to the matplotlib´s toolbar in my code. This is the NavigationToo
I have solved the problem. I´ ve found this code:
Matplotlib/Tkinter - customizing toolbar tooltips (broken link)
So, I created a subclass and added as it says in the link. This is the code:
class MyToolbar(NavigationToolbar2):
def __init__(self, figure_canvas, parent= None):
self.toolitems = (('Home', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 'home', 'home'),
('Back', 'consectetuer adipiscing elit', 'back', 'back'),
('Forward', 'sed diam nonummy nibh euismod', 'forward', 'forward'),
(None, None, None, None),
('Pan', 'tincidunt ut laoreet', 'move', 'pan'),
('Zoom', 'dolore magna aliquam', 'zoom_to_rect', 'zoom'),
(None, None, None, None),
('Subplots', 'putamus parum claram', 'subplots', 'configure_subplots'),
('Save', 'sollemnes in futurum', 'filesave', 'save_figure'),
('Port', 'Select', "select", 'select_tool'),
NavigationToolbar2.__init__(self, figure_canvas, parent= None)
def select_tool(self):
print "You clicked the selection tool"
And the, you can add this toolbar by writing:
self.navigation_toolbar = MyToolbar(self.figure_canvas, self)
If you want to only let your own button, you must erase all the others items from self.toolitems
. For example:
self.toolitems = (
('Port', 'Select', "select", 'select_tool'),
With this, you will only see your own button in the NavigationToolbar
Hope this helps.