I am trying to write a recursive code that can convert a number to any base system. for example, the integer 10 into binary would convert to 1010
So far I have this but
I'm working on making a pip package for this.
I recommend you use my bases.py https://github.com/kamijoutouma/bases.py which was inspired by bases.js
from bases import Bases
bases = Bases()
bases.toBase16(200) // => 'c8'
bases.toBase(200, 16) // => 'c8'
bases.toBase62(99999) // => 'q0T'
bases.toBase(200, 62) // => 'q0T'
bases.toAlphabet(300, 'aAbBcC') // => 'Abba'
bases.fromBase16('c8') // => 200
bases.fromBase('c8', 16) // => 200
bases.fromBase62('q0T') // => 99999
bases.fromBase('q0T', 62) // => 99999
bases.fromAlphabet('Abba', 'aAbBcC') // => 300
refer to https://github.com/kamijoutouma/bases.py#known-basesalphabets for what bases are usable
For your particular question
If your looking to go binary and back you can do
>>> from bases import Bases
>>> bases = Bases()
>>> bases.toBase(200,2)
>>> bases.fromBase('11001000',2)
>>> bases.toBase2(200)
>>> bases.fromBase2('11001000')
Have Fun !!!
And again for a list of usable bases with this library refer to https://github.com/kamijoutouma/bases.py#known-basesalphabets