How do I place commas between fields?
Input data
12123 \'QA test case 1\' \'QA environment\'
12234 \'UAT test case 1\' \'UAT environment\'
This solution (I believe) is not very nice, but standard at least:
awk 'BEGIN{SP="[:space:]"}{gsub("(["SP"]*('\''[^'\'']*'\''|[^'\''"SP"])+)","&,");if(match($0, (",["SP"]+$")))$0=substr($0,1,RSTART-1)substr($0,RSTART+1)}1'
Though some "broken" awk implementations don't support character classes with the [[:foo:]] style, in that case you can use:
awk 'BEGIN{SP=" \t\f\v\r\n"}{gsub("(["SP"]*('\''[^'\'']*'\''|[^'\''"SP"])+)","&,");if(match($0, (",["SP"]+$")))$0=substr($0,1,RSTART-1)substr($0,RSTART+1)}1'
Note: I used '\'' to place each single quote character because that's a simple and standard way to do it. If you want to use this line in a ".awk" file, just replace every occurrence with a single quote.