This is the code I\'m currently using, but it\'s not working. Geboortedatum means day of birth in Dutch.
mysql_connect(\'xxx\', \'xxx\', \'xxx\');
Here's an approach if you want a breakdown by years, months, and Days:
$secondsInAYear = 31536000;
$secondsInAMonth = 2635200; //Using the average (30.5) days in a month.
$secondsInADay = 86400;
echo $datum;
$birthDate = strtotime($datum);
$ageInSeconds = time() - $birthDate;
$ageInYears = floor( $ageInSeconds / $secondsInAYear );
$ageRemainder = ( $ageInSeconds % $secondsInAYear ); // $a % $b [ Modulus: Remainder of $a divided by $b ]
$ageInMonths = floor( $ageRemainder / $secondsInAMonth );
$monthsRemainder = ( $ageRemainder % $secondsInAMonth );
$ageInDays = floor( $monthsRemainder / $secondsInAMonth );
echo "Age is:" .$ageInYears ." Years, " .$ageInMonths ." Months, and " .$ageInDays ." Days.;