I\'m opening this thread that is really similar to another one but I cannot figure out an issue : I have an input field that allow a alphanumeric string with an optional unique
This is a simpler regex using \w
(word class):
It's instantaneous in JavaSript
var input = "dzdff5464zdiophjazdioj ttttttttt zoddzdffdziophjazdioj ttttttttt zoddzdffdzdff ttttt zoddzdfff ttttt zoddzdfff ttttt zoddzdfff ttttt zoddzdfff ttttt zoddzdfff ttttt zoddzdfff ttttt zoddzdfff ttttt zoddzdfff ttttt zo999 ddzdfff ttttt zoddzdfff ttttt zoddzdff";
var re = /([\w]+(\s*))/g;
console.log(input.replace(re, "boo"));