I have a column in my dataframe where in every cell there are one or more numbers. If there are many numbers, they are seperated with a space. Furthermore, R considers them as a
Here are two more options which work correctly on a vector (it seems)
str1 <- c("6 310 21 20 64", "6 310 21 20 64","6 310 21 20 64")
rowSums(read.table(text = str1))
## [1] 421 421 421
Or using data.table::fread
rowSums(data.table::fread(paste(str1, collapse = "\n")))
# [1] 421 421 421
Or as mentioned in comments by @akrun, you can use Reduce(`+`,...)
instead of rowSums(...)
in both cases in order to avoid to marix