My question is a bit long. I really appreciate it if you could please read it all and I\'d be very grateful for any piece of advice.
I have data related to 2 consumers a
In response to your comment- got it, thought that might be the case. I will present an alternative approach that may or may not suit you, but it's probably how I would tackle this. The main difference is that I would store the lists for screen and battery ratings in a turtle variable, so you can easily access them after the fact without having to track counters. Given these variable declarations:
extensions [ csv ]
globals [ screen-headings battery-headings]
turtles-own [
I would split headings of the csv file to the screen-headings
and battery-headings
Then, I would iterate through the next lines of the csv, as you did below, and split the lines in a similar way but into the turtles-own
variables turtle-screen-list
and turtle-battery-list
. That way, each turtle is aware of its own ratings for each screen and battery so you can modify your evaluated screen or battery as needed.
Set the screen and battery of interest with screen-to-evaluate
and battery-to-evaluate
(or use a Chooser
on the interface), then use a reporter (similar to what you had set up) that checks the position of the battery and screen of interest to return the current turtle's rating for each- this will set turtle-screen-eval
and turtle-bat-eval
. Finally, sum those last two values.
to setup
file-open "turtle_details.csv"
let headings csv:from-row file-read-line
set screen-headings sublist headings 0 4
set battery-headings sublist headings 4 length headings
let screen-to-evaluate 13.5
let battery-to-evaluate 24
while [ not file-at-end? ] [
let data csv:from-row file-read-line
create-turtles 1 [
set turtle-screen-list sublist data 0 4
set turtle-battery-list sublist data 4 length data
set turtle-screen-eval turtle-screen-rating screen-to-evaluate
set turtle-bat-eval turtle-battery-rating battery-to-evaluate
set turtle-sum-eval turtle-screen-eval + turtle-bat-eval
to-report turtle-screen-rating [sc]
let pos position sc screen-headings
let turt-screen-rate-value item pos turtle-screen-list
report turt-screen-rate-value
to-report turtle-battery-rating [bc]
let pos position bc battery-headings
let turt-bat-rate-value item pos turtle-battery-list
report turt-bat-rate-value
Of course, you can condense some of this as needed. I tested this setup with 4 rows (patterned after your example data) and it seemed to work ok. If you have a huge number of rows it might not work so well.
If you end up replacing screen-to-evaluate
and battery-to-evaluate
with interface choosers (which I recommend- it allows you to quickly see the different values), you can update to the new values with something like:
to update-vals
ask turtles [
set turtle-screen-eval turtle-screen-rating scrn
set turtle-bat-eval turtle-battery-rating batr
set turtle-sum-eval turtle-screen-eval + turtle-bat-eval
where scrn
and batr
are the names of the choosers.
Or, if you want them to dynamically update, you can make an interface monitor that reports the following reporter :
to-report update
ask turtles [
set turtle-screen-eval turtle-screen-rating scrn
set turtle-bat-eval turtle-battery-rating batr
set turtle-sum-eval turtle-screen-eval + turtle-bat-eval
report "Dynamically updating."
With that one, as soon as you change the Chooser
value, the turtles should immediately update their turtle-bat-eval
, turtle-screen-eval
, and turtle-sum-eval
. Fun!
Edit 2
If your csv includes a column for row numbers like this:
row 12 13.5 14 15 5 12 24 30
1 1 2.0 1 3 2 2 4 5
2 4 3.0 1 2 1 1 2 3
I would recommend creating a turtle variable to store the row number used. I've now included one called turtle-row-number
. Then, you would just have to include a line to update that variable from the first
item in the list, which is the row number, and then modify your sublist
values accordingly, to something like:
to setup-row-nums
file-open "turtle_details_2.csv"
let headings csv:from-row file-read-line
set screen-headings sublist headings 1 5
set battery-headings sublist headings 5 length headings
while [ not file-at-end? ] [
let data csv:from-row file-read-line
create-turtles 1 [
set turtle-row-number first data
set turtle-screen-list sublist data 1 5
set turtle-battery-list sublist data 5 length data
Where update-vals
is as shown above.