ive got a table with 8x10 cells.. each sell got an input element with its own id (11, 12, ... , 21,22,23,...) now i want to fill these inputs after and after (lets say 0.5 sec)
This should work the way you wanted.
for(i=1; i<=8; i++){
for(k=1; k<=10; k++){
(function(i, k){
setTimeout(function schreiben(){document.getElementById(''+i+k+'').value= Betrag[i][k];}, 1000*k + 10000*i);
//document.getElementById(''+i+k+'').value= Betrag[i][k];
})(i, k);
To make things a bit clearer, consider refactoring like this :
for(i=1; i<=8; i++){
for(k=1; k<=10; k++){
setSchreibTimeout(i, k);
function setSchreibTimeout(i, k){
setTimeout(function schreiben(){document.getElementById(''+i+k+'').value= Betrag[i][k];}, 1000*k + 10000*i);
//document.getElementById(''+i+k+'').value= Betrag[i][k];