I have a preference screen that presents the user with a checkbox to disable ads. When the user clicks this for the first time, they are presented with an In App Billing purcha
Here is a simpler way that I am using to get a reference to a Preference Fragment from a Preference Activity:
private WeakReference mGeneralFragment;
public void onAttachFragment(Fragment fragment) {
// "id" might be arbitrary and "tag" can be null
Log.d(TAG, "onAttachFragment: "+fragment.getId()+","+fragment.getTag());
// however class can be used to identify different fragments
Log.d(TAG, "onAttachFragment: "+fragment.getClass()+","+(fragment instanceof GeneralPreferenceFragment));
if(fragment instanceof GeneralPreferenceFragment) {
mGeneralFragment=new WeakReference<>((GeneralPreferenceFragment)fragment);
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
Fragment f=mGeneralFragment.get();
if(f!=null) {
// can now use findPreference, etc
This method is convenient because it doesn't require the use of interfaces or modifications to the fragment classes.