I have a shapefile dataset. Some roads (line) have the same name but are located at different places and are not connected.
Here is a picture of the roads with a same na
In geopandas, the geometries are shapely objects. To get a distance between any two shapely objects, you use the cleverly named distance
from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString
import geopandas
line1 = LineString([
Point(0, 0),
Point(0, 1),
Point(1, 1),
Point(1, 2),
Point(3, 3),
Point(5, 6),
line2 = LineString([
Point(5, 3),
Point(5, 5),
Point(9, 5),
Point(10, 7),
Point(11, 8),
Point(12, 12),
line3 = LineString([
Point(9, 10),
Point(10, 14),
Point(11, 12),
Point(12, 15),
> 0.5547001962252291
If you have a geopandas GeoSeries/GeoDataFrame, you need to be a little smarter about it.
gs = geopandas.GeoSeries([line1, line2, line3])
Returns all zeros, because it lines up gs
to gs
on the index, which is all the same geometries.
Gives you the distances from line1 to line2, and line2 to line3:
0 NaN
1 0.554700
2 0.948683
dtype: float64