Tree fold in Racket

后端 未结 1 1520
日久生厌 2021-01-24 18:43

I am a beginner at Racket and I got this question:

  • define a structure, node, which has these fields: value, left
  •  一向
    一向 (楼主)
    2021-01-24 19:15

    update after question was edited with new version of the function.

    It is a step in the right direction. There's some correct pieces in it, and some incorrect pieces.

    Functions are like boxes that can be wired together. Stuff goes in on some wires, and goes out on some others. Each box has it proper way of use: the number of wires, and the stuff it is expecting to flow into it in them.

    Your new version:

    (define (treeFold f initial tree) 
        [(emptyNode? tree) 
              (f initial 0)] 
        [else (f (node-value tree)                 ;; (1)
                 (f (treeFold f                    ;; (2)
                       (treeFold f 
                          (treeFold f initial 
                             (node-left tree)) 
                          (node-middle tree)) 
                        (node-right tree))))]))

    f expects two arguments. (f initial 0) looks right, in that regard at least. The call in (1) as well. But the call to f at (2) has only one argument supplied to f, so can't be right.

    Next, to the meaning of it. The three nested calls to treeFold are almost right: we "go in" into (node-left tree), i.e. the left sub-tree, with initial as the initial value, then we get the result from that and use it as the new initial value to go into the middle sub-tree, and use the computed result to go over the right sub-tree. Nice. We're done. That is the final result we need -- no need to feed it into f any further. So those two calls to f above the three nested calls to treeFold aren't needed at all.

    Except, what are we to do with the (node-value tree)? Where does it fit in? The answer is, it should be combined with the initial value, by way of calling f, and the result of that should be used as the initial value with which we go over the left sub-tree; the value with which we start the folding.

    The base case is also incorrect. We already have the initial, why would we need to combine it with 0 all of a sudden? And why 0? We could be folding over a tree holding strings, for example, and combining strings with a number 0 wouldn't make a whole lot of sense.

    No, 0 would be supplied as the initial value in a call to treeFold, like

    (define (sumAllNumbersInWholeTree tree)
      (treeFold + 0 tree))

    And with strings-bearing tree we could e.g. define

    (define (collectAllStringsInWholeTree tree)
      (treeFold string-append "" tree))

    Initial version of the answer follows. Go over its (very slightly edited) example with your new understanding. :)


    (define tree 
        (node 7 
              (node 5 (emptyNode) (emptyNode) (emptyNode)) 
              (node 20 (emptyNode) (emptyNode) (emptyNode)) 

    it must be, according to the specs,

    47 == (treeFold + 15 tree)
       == (treeFold + 15 
            (node 7 
              (node 5 (emptyNode) (emptyNode) (emptyNode)) 
              (node 20 (emptyNode) (emptyNode) (emptyNode)) 
       == (treeFold + 
              (treeFold + 
                  (treeFold + (+ 15 7)
                      (node 5 (emptyNode) (emptyNode) (emptyNode)))
                  (node 20 (emptyNode) (emptyNode) (emptyNode)))
       == (treeFold + 
              (treeFold + 
                  (treeFold +  
                       (treeFold + 
                           (treeFold + (+ 22 5) (emptyNode))
                  (node 20 (emptyNode) (emptyNode) (emptyNode)))
       == (treeFold + 
              (treeFold + 
                  (treeFold +  
                       (treeFold + 27
                  (node 20 (emptyNode) (emptyNode) (emptyNode)))
       == (treeFold + 
              (treeFold + 
                  (treeFold + 27
                  (node 20 (emptyNode) (emptyNode) (emptyNode)))
       == (treeFold + 
              (treeFold + 27
                  (node 20 (emptyNode) (emptyNode) (emptyNode)))

    (writing == for "equals"). This already gives you everything you need for a complete definition, namely that

    (treeFold + i (node v lt md rt))
    (treeFold +
       (treeFold +
          (treeFold + (+ i v) lt)


    (treeFold + i (emptyNode))

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