I want to protect PHP source code at easy way.
here is a example.
$a = \"\\x46\\122\" . chr(578813952>>23) . \"\" . chr(0105) . \"\\x2d\";
$b =
For further suggestions why this is a waste of your time:
Asked at 8:36, decoded at 8:44. Eight minutes of protection: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5456462/what-does-this-php-code-do
Asked at 11:01, decoded at 11:17, and very-well analyzed at 11:47. Hacked, what does this piece of code do?
In the first case, I'm willing to bet the majority of the fastest poster's time was spent writing. So feel confident that however you try to obfuscate your code, it'll take only three or four minutes to undo whatever it is you've done.
How much time are you willing to put into obfuscating your code when it'll take someone only a few minutes to undo what you've done? Could that time have been better spent writing awesome features that your customers would love?