I\'m learning Yii. I have a test development which contains a number of tables (employee, personalDetails, address). My understanding of MVC leads me to see these almost as indi
For encapsulated self managed view parts use widgets. For above case you could create widget with configurable treshhold.
If you have to ask different controller to calculate something it is a bad practice. Place such calculations in model instead. Model is highly reusable, view can be reused, however controller should only respond to action and bind data to view.
Fat model, thin controller, wise view.
Here is some draft code:
First create model with any needed calculations:
class Employee extends CActiveRecord
public function getTotalSalary()
// Do any calculations here
// ...
return $salary;
Then you can reuse it in controllers:
class FirstController extends CController
public function actionPersonDetails()
$model = $this->_loadModel();
// By assigning this you will have getTotalSalary() available in view
$this->render('personDetails', ['model' => $model]);
class SecondController extends CController
public function actionViewSallary()
$model = $this->_loadModel();
// Also here you will have getTotalSalary() available in view
$this->render('viewSallary', ['model' => $model]);
And for more complex scenarios where you need something standalone create widget:
class EmployeesWidget extends CWidget
public $minSalary = 0;
private $_data = null;
public function init()
$this->_data = new CActiveDataProvider(/* Criteria here with $this->minSalary as param */);
public function run()
$this->render('employeesWidget', ['data' => $this->_data]);
Then you can easy use it in any view, even in other widgets:
$this->widget('path.to.EmployeesWidget', [
'minSallary' => 10000