I have passed a value from one page to another in array. I can extract first two vars by explode but I can\'t get the third value which is formed in an array out.
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ok, many answers and no luck... i'll try it again:
you have an array $rate before you submit your form:
foreach($rate as $val){
echo "$val
and you want to add $ss_total and the string "ss" and submit it so you need to:
$newarray = array('rate'=>$rate, 'type'=>'ss', 'ss_total'=>$ss_total);
// now you have a 2-dimensional array ($newarray)
// the next step is to prepare it for form-submitting (serialize and base64_encode):
$stringvalue = base64_encode(serialize($newarray));
// ok, now you are able to submit it as radio-field-value:
echo '';
when the form is submitted you get a serialized and encoded string in $_POST['user_rate'], you can do an echo if you'd like to see how it looks.
Now you need to base64_decode and unserialize:
$arr = unserialize(base64_decode($_POST['user_rate']));
and you have now full access to your array:
echo $arr['type']."
echo $arr['ss_total']."
echo $arr['rate']['index_of_rate']; // i dont know the keys of rate array...
access $arr in javascript:
echo "";
I hope you get it now.