How do you create a list-based matrix of 1
\'s with given row and column counts? For example, like:
row=3,column=4 -> [[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1
Here's an alternative method using list comprehension. Let's have a look at the basics:
Prelude> [ 2*x | x <- [1..4] ]
So that gives you one number for each element in the list [1..4]
. Why not, instead of doubling x
, just have a 1
Prelude> [ 1 | x <- [1..4] ]
And if we want three of them, we can pull the same trick:
Prelude> [ [1|x<-[1..4]] | x<-[1..3] ]
Thus we can define
twoDlist r c = [ [1|x<-[1..c]] | x<-[1..r] ]
which gives
Prelude> twoDlist 3 4