hoping someone more knowledgeable than me can throw some light here.
As part of a larger web-scraper I want to pull meta data out of a set of pages. When I ran this it
Assuming the error comes when you try and process the empty list...
> parsed <- htmlParse("http://www.coindesk.com/information")
> meta <- xpathApply(parsed, "//meta[starts-with(@property, \"og:description\")]", xmlGetAttr,"content")
> meta
> length(meta)==0
[1] TRUE
Then test for length(meta)==0
- which is TRUE
if the element is missing. Otherwise its FALSE
- as in this example of extracting the title property:
> meta <- xpathApply(parsed, "//meta[starts-with(@property, \"og:title\")]", xmlGetAttr,"content")
> meta
[1] "Beginner's guide to bitcoin - CoinDesk's Information Center"
> length(meta)==0