I have one dropdown that has 14 values. Depending on the value chosen, it\'ll query a SQL Server database and return some clients to display in a second dropdown.
I want
I will do my best to use the vernacular of your coding in this example
note i am using coldfusion 9.0.1 and jquery 1.9+
$('#lstTiers').on('change', function (){
data: {'method': 'returnSomething',
'Tier': $(this).val(); },
success: function(json){
if (json != '' )
var vx='';
$.each (json, function(k, v){
}); //end ajax()
Select * from Clients WHERE Tier = #arguments.Tier# ORDER BY 1
heres the thing, you need to see what return type json format is giving you, if it is coldfusion json, you would change the jquery each iteration to $.each (json.DATA, function(k, v){
i do things in the MVC way , and like my json to be standard non CF output, so heres an example of my code
select distinct d.init_contact_staff, initcap(e.pref_name_sort) name from ben_activity_dtl d
inner join entity e
on e.id_number = d.init_contact_staff
where d.nd_event_id =
and d.request_status_code =
order by 2 asc