I have a pandas series:
names = pd.Series([
\'Andre Agassi\',
\'Barry Bonds\',
\'Christopher Columbus\',
\'Daniel Defoe\',
\'Emilio Estevez\',
\'Fred Flintstone\
First, define a function to reverse the name, utilizing the .split method. It takes the parameter where you want to split it at, in this case " " and returns a list of the two parts of your input string. From there we can reorganize the return string of our function how we like--in this case last name, first name.
Second, the reverse_names function takes in a Pandas series, applies the function reverse_name to each element in the series (with the .apply method) and then returns another Pandas Series.
def reverse_name(name):
split_name = name.split(" ")
first_name = split_name[0]
last_name = split_name[1]
return last_name + ", " + first_name
def reverse_names(names):
return names.apply(reverse_name)
print reverse_names(names)
Your output should be something like this:
0 Agassi, Andre
1 Bonds, Barry
2 Columbus, Christopher
3 Defoe, Daniel
4 Estevez, Emilio
5 Flintstone, Fred
6 Garbo, Greta
7 Humbert, Humbert
8 Ilych, Ivan
9 Joyce, James
10 Knightley, Keira
11 Lane, Lois
12 Myers, Mike
13 Nolte, Nick
14 Osbourne, Ozzy
15 Picasso, Pablo
16 Quirrell, Quirinus
17 Ray, Rachael
18 Sarandon, Susan
19 Turner, Tina
20 Urbina, Ugueth
21 Vaughn, Vince
22 Wilson, Woodrow
23 Yamada, Yoji
24 Zidane, Zinedine
dtype: object