I\'m currently using a Gwt CellTable, bound to my GAE/Objectify backend via RPC calls.
All right now! :-)
Then I want to sort columns, so I read http://code.goog
You can keep a list of column names ordered as they are in the table:
List columnNames = new ArrayList();
table.addColumn(surnameColumn, "surname");
// add the other columns
Then when you need to get the sort column name:
String sortColumnName;
ColumnSortList sortList = table.getColumnSortList();
if (sortList != null && sortList.size() != 0){
Column sortColumn = (Column )
Integer columnIndex = table.getColumnIndex(sortColumn);
sortColumnName = columnNames.get(columnIndex);
// do your rpc call
*where MyEntity is your data object displayed in the cell table.