I need to display the elapsed time dynamically. My code will pop up a message based on an interval value.
public void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
I wouldn't muck about with timers. I'd use Microsoft's Reactive Framework for this. Just NuGet "Rx-Winforms" to get the bits. Then you can do this:
.Create(o =>
var now = DateTimeOffset.Now;
var end = now.AddMinutes(15.0);
.Select(x => end.Subtract(DateTimeOffset.Now).ToString(@"mm\:ss"))
.Subscribe(x => label1.Text = x);
This will automatically create a countdown timer that will update the text in label1
with the following values:
14:59 14:58 14:57 14:56 14:55 14:54 ... 00:02 00:01 00:00
If you want to stop this before the timer runs out the Subscribe
method returns an IDisposable
that you can just call .Dispose()