In C++ we will pass the pointer to a function as
bool getData(REMOTE_ID msId,RsEvent*& pEvent);
How to declare this in Objective C?
(By the way, you're not dealing with a pointer to a reference, but a reference to a pointer.) Can't you just use the same type annotation in the Objective-C method?
- (BOOL)getData:(REMOTE_ID)msId withEvent:(RsEvent*&)pEvent;
I think that should work, but if it doesn't, you can use a pointer to a pointer instead:
- (BOOL)getData:(REMOTE_ID)msId withEvent:(RsEvent**)pEvent {
useEvent(*pEvent); // when using the event, you need to dereference the pointer
Send the -getData:withEvent:
message with the address of your event:
[obj getData:SOME_ID withEvent:&event];