Classic ASP number of weekdays between dates

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迷失自我 2021-01-24 11:23

Is there any way in Classic ASP VBScript to get the number of weekdays between 2 dates? Obviously, we have the DateDiff() function but this will pull back the total

  •  有刺的猬
    2021-01-24 11:35

    You're right, DateDiff() doesn't cover this but it can be used in conjunction with WeekDay() to work out if a Day falls on a weekend.

    By using DateDiff() to get the number of days we can then use a For loop to step through the days using DateAdd() to increment the day as we go and check whether the incremented date value is a particular WeekDay(). We can then decide based on this outcome whether to increment a counter that is storing our resulting number of weekdays.

    Below is an example of how you would do this, the main logic has been encapsulated in a Function that you could include in a #include script file to use in multiple pages.

    Function DateDiffWeekDays(d1, d2)
        Dim dy: dy = 0
        Dim dys: dys = DateDiff("d", d1, d2)
        Dim isWeekDay: isWeekDay = False
        Dim wkd
        Dim wd: wd = 0
        For dy = 0 To dys
            wkd = Weekday(DateAdd("d", dy, d1))
            isWeekDay = Not (wkd = vbSunday Or wkd = vbSaturday)
            If isWeekDay Then wd = wd + 1
        DateDiffWeekDays = wd
    End Function
    'Example of how to call the function and output to the page
    Call Response.Write(DateDiffWeekDays(Date(), CDate("12 Nov 2018")))



    This is just a quick example and doesn't cover every possible usage case, the idea is it gives you a starting point that you can work from and improve.
