I have declared an array of bytes:
uint8_t memory[123];
which i have filled with:
I think this should do it.
int start_bit = 10, end_bit = 35; // input
int start_byte = start_bit / CHAR_BIT;
int shift = start_bit % CHAR_BIT;
int response_size = (end_bit - start_bit + (CHAR_BIT - 1)) / CHAR_BIT;
int zero_padding = response_size * CHAR_BIT - (end_bit - start_bit + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < response_size; ++i) {
response[i] =
static_cast((memory[start_byte + i] >> shift) |
(memory[start_byte + i + 1] << (CHAR_BIT - shift)));
response[response_size - 1] &= static_cast(~0) >> zero_padding;
If the input is a starting bit and a number of bits instead of a starting bit and an (inclusive) end bit, then you can use exactly the same code, but compute the above end_bit
int start_bit = 10, count = 9; // input
int end_bit = start_bit + count - 1;