Is there any way to use x:Name of the stacklayout in listview at code behind in xamarin.forms?
To be able to access templated elements by name and by whatever way you like, create a custom view that will serve You as a cell. And in the cell's code-behind you will be able to access everything by name. Your initial parent list will now look like:
Your brand new cell will look like:
namespace YourNameSpace
public partial class MyViewCell
public MyViewCell()
//you can init your cells here
InitCell(); //this is just for demo
public void InitCell()
//i can access my stack:
btnStack.BackgroundColor = Color.Red;
//and even more
txtEvenMore.Text = "By name? Yes! :)";
//Now not for demo but in the real world:
//We can set content according to your data from ItemsSource
//This will act when you set your ListView ItemsSource to something valid
protected override void OnBindingContextChanged()
public void SetupCell()
//use data from ItemsSource
var item = BindingContext as YourItemClass;
if (item == null) return;
txtEvenMore.Text = item.SomeTextProperty;
//etc.. :)
Good luck! :)