So, I have this batch file that supposedly appends my script to the path variable
@echo OFF
setx path "%path%;%cd%\\"
But I e
Next script shows a possible approach.
SETLOCAL enableextensions
rem enabledelayedexpansion
echo adding "%~1" to the user level HKCU\Environment /v Path
call :showReg old
call set "expanded=%~1"
if "%expanded%"=="" goto :usage
if not exist "%expanded%\" goto :usage
set "HKCU_path="
for /F "tokens=1,2*" %%F in ('
reg query HKCU\Environment /v Path 2^>NUL ^|findstr /I "path"
') do (
set "HKCU_path=%%H"
REG ADD HKCU\Environment /v Path /t %HKCU_type% /d %%H;%~1 /f >NUL
if not defined HKCU_path (
REG ADD HKCU\Environment /v Path /t %HKCU_type% /d %~1 /f >NUL
call :showReg new
goto :eof
echo directory "%~1" ^("%expanded%"^) not found
goto :endlocal
NUL|findstr /I "path"|findstr /V /R "^$"
if errorlevel 1 echo not defined
goto :eof
Provided examples show attempts to add
(hard-coded reference);%SystemRoot%
(variable reference, hard-coded in the registry);^%windir^%
(variable reference keeps expandable in the registry).Output:
==>31602391.bat d:\FooBar
adding "d:\FooBar" to the user level HKCU\Environment /v Path
old: not defined
directory "d:\FooBar" ("d:\FooBar") not found
new: not defined
==>31602391.bat d:\test
adding "d:\test" to the user level HKCU\Environment /v Path
old: not defined
new: Path REG_EXPAND_SZ d:\test
==>31602391.bat %SystemRoot%
adding "C:\Windows" to the user level HKCU\Environment /v Path
old: Path REG_EXPAND_SZ d:\test
new: Path REG_EXPAND_SZ d:\test;C:\Windows
==>31602391.bat ^%windir^%
adding "%windir%" to the user level HKCU\Environment /v Path
old: Path REG_EXPAND_SZ d:\test;C:\Windows
new: Path REG_EXPAND_SZ d:\test;C:\Windows;%windir%