We have a system in use where developers will log a support ticket using a new \'Support Ticket\' work item in TFS 2010. If there\'s a code change as a result they will link the
Run this against your Data Warehouse. This SQL will list all Work Items with their associated Change Sets. I've commented out a few items in the WHERE clause and left them in to give you an idea on what you can filter on as I'm not sure what process template you have setup in TFS.
The df.FilePath field commented out in the WHERE clause allows you to filter on specific repositories/branches.
dwi.System_title AS 'Title'
,dcs.ChangesetID AS 'ChangeSetID'
,dwi.System_id AS 'WorkItemID'
FROM DimFile df
JOIN FactCodeChurn fcc ON df.FileSK = fcc.FilenameSK
JOIN FactWorkItemChangeset fwi ON fcc.ChangesetSK = fwi.ChangesetSK
JOIN DimWorkItem dwi ON fwi.WorkItemID = dwi.System_id
AND fwi.TeamProjectCollectionSK = dwi.TeamProjectCollectionSK
AND fwi.RemovedDateTime = CONVERT(DATETIME, N'9999', 126)
JOIN DimChangeset dcs ON dcs.ChangesetSK = fcc.ChangesetSK
WHERE dwi.System_revisedDate = CONVERT(DATETIME, N'9999', 126)
--AND df.FilePath LIKE '%$repositorylocation%'
--AND dwi.System_WorkItemType IN ('Product Backlog Item', 'Task', 'Bug')
ORDER BY dcs.ChangesetID
This code was run against TFS 2013, but I believe the Schema is the same in 2010