The title is pretty much self explanatory. Given two dates what is the best way of finding the number of week days using PHP? Week days being Monday to Friday.
For insta
$datefrom = strtotime($datefrom, 0);
$dateto = strtotime($dateto, 0);
$difference = $dateto - $datefrom;
$days_difference = floor($difference / 86400);
$weeks_difference = floor($days_difference / 7); // Complete weeks
$first_day = date("w", $datefrom);
$days_remainder = floor($days_difference % 7);
$odd_days = $first_day + $days_remainder; // Do we have a Saturday or Sunday in the remainder?
if ($odd_days > 7) { // Sunday
if ($odd_days > 6) { // Saturday
$datediff = ($weeks_difference * 5) + $days_remainder;
From here: