I want to put the values of dynamic checkboxes (not boolean true and false) in the form of array using \'ng-model\' in a similar way as is done using \'name\' attribute. This ar
According to your example listed there, you have bound your ng-model
to the expression operations
, however you need to be binding it to the individual iterator operation
(from) ng-repeat="operation in operations_publish"
You can then set that data in your dataLog object:
var dataObj = {
"operationType" : $scope.operationType,
"conceptModelID" : $scope.conceptID,
"requestor" : $scope.requestor,
"status" : "new",
"requestDateTime" : null,
"lastExecutedDateTime" : null,
"completedDateTime" : null,
"instructions" : $scope.operations_publish
Data binding by default in angular are multi-directional therefore:
=> bound to row via iterator operation
=> bound to checkbox value via ng-model