I understand that one can\'t execute PHP from the client side (JavaScript), but what would then be the appropriate approach? Writing my jQuery in PHP? Here is an example of what
Your question is very ambigious, its not clear what you are asking. Please edit and refine your question as soon as you learn something from a comment or an answer.
First of all, as poined out by webdeskil in comments, you can indeed call PHP code from client side and in fact that is done very often. What you can not do is executing PHP code "ON" the client side. Any request for executing server side code, in this case PHP has to go to the server where it can, and it makes sense for it, to be executed.
From your tags it looks like you are writing some code for wordpress. IMHO a good way of learning programming skills is to look at existing code. Since wordpress is opensource, you have the luxury of being able to open any plugin or theme and take a look inside. However, the number one resource for your wordpress needs is the codex of course. Read the codex document carefully, in this case codex document for using javascript is relevant to your question.
Some tips that maybe helpful:
Anyway, to give you any more help you need to edit and refine your question further, otherwise its all guesswork for us trying to help.