I wrote a simple enough randomize function that loops through the elements in an array and displays them one after the other.
See it here.
function chang
Stop upvoting please :-D
The following answer is better: https://stackoverflow.com/a/32395535/1636522. The extended discussion between me and Tim enlighten on why you should avoid using my solutions. My answer is only interesting from this point of view, hence, it does not deserve any upvote :-D
You could save the last integer and "while" until the next one is different:
var i, j, n = 10;
setInterval(function () {
while ((j = Math.floor(Math.random() * n)) === i);
document.write(j + ' ');
i = j;
}, 1000);
Or even simpler, just add 1... :-D Modulo n to prevent index overflow:
var i, j, n = 10;
setInterval(function () {
j = Math.floor(Math.random() * n);
if (j === i) j = (j + 1) % n;
document.write(j + ' ');
i = j;
}, 1000);
First solution applied to your code:
var whatAmI = ["Webdesigner", "Drummer", "Techie", "Linguistics student", "Photographer", "Geek", "Coder", "Belgian", "Batman", "Musician", "StackExchanger", "AI student"];
var j;
var i = 1; // since you start with "Drummer"
var n = whatAmI.length;
function changeSubTitle() {
setTimeout(function () {
while ((j = Math.floor(Math.random() * n)) === i);
$(".page-header > h2").animate({
"opacity": 0
}, 700, function () {
"opacity": 1
}, 700, changeSubTitle);
}, 1000);
i = j;