I am trying to read input from a file and put each string in an array using malloc and realloc. So if the input file is :
you would want to allocate an array of pointers first with an initial size say 10:
int size = 10;
char **inputFile= malloc(sizeof*inputFile*size);
Then for each word you read you allocate more memory for it and insert it into the array:
char line[100];
fscanf(file, "%s", line);
inputFile[index++] = strdup(line);
Now check if you need more words then you realloc the array:
if (index==size) {
size += 10;
inputFile = realloc(inputFile, sizeof*inputFile*size);
So you end up with something like this:
When you're done you need to loop over the array and free each string and then free the array, this part is left as an exercise :)