Is there a way to use an Excel auto filter, whereby you set a predefined list of values to filter by, and it will return all the cells in a column that contain that phrase? For
You cannot filter more than two criteria with wildcards. The nature of your sample data is such that you would be using ="Brian*", ="Mark*" or ="*John" to wildcard the first names as either Begins with... or Ends with... criteria. You can only use two of these in any one filter operation. You cannot add a third by creating an array of wildcarded values.
This works:
with activesheet.cells(1, 1).currentregion
.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="=Brian*", Operator:=xlOr, Criteria2:="=*John"
end with
This does not work:
with activesheet.cells(1, 1).currentregion
.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=Array("Brian*", "Mark*", "*John"), Operator:=xlFilterValues
end with