How can I remove duplicate strings from a string array without using a HashSet?
I try to use loops, but the words not delete.
StringBuffer outString = ne
1) I think you need to use the equals operator. Try
if (!wordList[i].equals(wordList[j])){
instead of !=
2) Also Kevin is right. You need to set t back to false.
3) Side note as pointed out by others already: To be more efficient you should start the inner loop with
for (j = i+1; j < wordList.length; j++) {
4) Another side note: Your result array is still too long. If you don't want to use a List
and it is ok to loose the original array you could go with a solution as suggested by Zim-Zam O'Pootertoot and set the original duplicates to null, add a counter
to count how many null values you assigned, initialize the new array with the correct size and loop a final time over the first array and copy only the non-null values into your new array.