I need to remove semi duplicate records from the following table
1 1 50
2 33 20
3 1 90
4 5
try this..
declare @tt table(id int, pid int,score int)
insert into @tt
select 1,1,50 union all
select 2,33,50 union all
select 8,33,80 union all
select 3,1,90 union all
select 4,5,50 union all
select 5,5,10 union all
select 6,6,10 union all
select 7,6,50
delete from @tt where id in (
select t1.id from @tt t1 inner join
select MIN(score) tScore,pid tPid from @tt where pid in
(select pid from @tt group by pid having count (pid) > 1) group by pid
) t2 on t1.pid=t2.tPid and t1.score=t2.tScore)
select * from @tt