How would you scale text size based on container size. Other questions state it can\'t be done with css, if not how would you go about it?
Here's how I accomplished it- I wrapped the text in a span and scaled that down with a CSS transform:
Scale this text to fit inside the parent div.
var textWidth = $('#fit-text-in-here span').width(),
fitWidth = $('#fit-text-in-here').width();
if (textWidth > fitWidth) {
var scaleTo = fitWidth / textWidth,
offset = (fitWidth - textWidth)/2;
$('#fit-text-in-here span').css({
'-moz-transform': 'scale('+scaleTo+')',
'-webkit-transform': 'scale('+scaleTo+')',
'-o-transform': 'scale('+scaleTo+')',
'transform': 'scale('+scaleTo+')',
'margin-left': offset,
'display': 'inline-block'