My Text file Contains line like this
FLTR TID: 0000003756 RPC ID: 0000108159 USER: Remedy Application Service
FLTR TID: 0000003756 RPC ID: 0
First off, I am not an expert and have never tried this myself nor can I at the moment. From looking at your code I can spot a few design flaws that might be the reason for your problem.
You only ever declare one row:
static HSSFRow row= sheet.createRow((short)1);
This means that in your store
method, the same row's cells will be written again and again. What you are missing is the logic to create a new row if a unique name is encountered. For this task, may I suggest using a Set
preferably one operating on hashes for the benefit of low lookup time, and storing all unique names in there? That way you can use a simply contains
Furthermore, your count
variable is off and starts counting at 2, not at one. Initialise it to 0 or increment it after its use.
Some pseudocode:
private HashSet names = new HashSet<>();
// More fields here.
// Now start in your if clause:
if(str.contains("FLTR" && !names.contains(str.substring(48))
store(user, count);
// More of your code.
private static void store(String user, int count)
// Create new row
HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow((short)rowCount);
row.createCell((short) 0).setCellValue(count);
row.createCell((short) 1).setCellValue(user);