I want to create in Prolog to find longest increasing subset of entered list. For example, you enter list of [3,1,2] and the output is [1,2],
?- subset([3,1,2],
Do you mean [1,3,5,6,7]
to be the answer for [4,1,3,8,9,5,6,7]
? IOW, do you really mean subsets, or just sublists, i.e. contiguous portions of the list?
If the latter is the case, you won't need subsets. The search is linear. If in a list [a,b,c,d,e,f]
you find that d > e
and the increasing sequence [a,b,c,d]
stops, you don't need to restart the search from b
now: the sequence will still break at d
. You will just continue your search from e
So, we'll just carry around some additional information during the search, viz. the current and the winning-so-far sub-sequences. And their lengths.
longest_incr([A|B],RL-R):- % R is the result, of length RL
longest_aux(B,[],0, [A],1, RL-R).
longest_aux([], Win,N, Curr,K, RL-R):-
( K>N -> RL=K, reverse(Curr,R) ; RL=N, reverse(Win,R) ).
longest_aux([A|B],Win,N, Curr,K, RL-R):- Curr = [X|_], L is K,
( A>X -> longest_aux(B,Win, N, [A|Curr],L+1,RL-R) % keep adding
; L>N -> longest_aux(B,Curr,K, [A], 1, RL-R) % switch the winner
; longest_aux(B,Win, N, [A], 1, RL-R) % winner unbeaten
If OTOH you really need the longest subset ... there's a contradiction there. A set can have its elements rearranged, so the longest subset of a given list will be
longset_subset(L,R):- sort(L,S), R=S.
Perhaps you mean the longest order-preserving sub-sequence, i.e. it is allowed to be non-contiguous. Then you can gather all solutions to your subset
with findall
or similar predicate, and analyze these results:
findall( S, subset(L,S), X),
maplist( longest_incr, X, Y),
keysort( Y, Z),
last( Z, _Len-R).
The above has a lot of redundancy in it. We can attempt to improve its efficiency by only allowing the increasing subsequences:
incr_subseq([_|X],Y):- incr_subseq(X,Y).
incr_subseq([A|X],[A|Y]):- incr_subseq(X,Y), ( Y=[] ; Y=[B|_], A
Now all the sub-sequences found by the above predicate will be increasing, so we can just take their length
lenlist(List,Len-List) :- length(List,Len).
findall( S, incr_subseq(L,S), X),
maplist( lenlist, X, Y),
keysort( Y, Z),
last( Z, _Len-R).
Or, the linear searching longest_incr
could be tweaked for a more efficient solution. Instead of maintaining just one winning sub-sequence, it would maintain all the relevant possibilities as it goes along the input list.