I\'m programming using C#, after programming on C. So I\'m using a lot of constants such as \"DEFAULT_USER_ID\", \"REMOTE_ADDRESS\" and such...
It seems to me that it\'s
Using constants for stuff like DEFAULT_USER_ID
is still "the way to go" (unless you want it to be configurable, but that's another topic). --> const (C# Reference)
Don't use constants for enumerations (FILE_TYPE_DOC = 1
, ...). This can be done more elegantly in C# with enums:
enum FileType {
Xls, // or, optionally, "Xls = 2".
You can also use this for flags (constants combinable by bitwise operators), which is another common use case of constants in C:
enum FontDecoration {
None = 0,
Bold = 1,
Italic = 2,
Underline = 4