I\'m using the Java Plugin in Gradle
apply plugin: \'java\'
I also configure the Jar-task using:
version = \'1.0\'
jar {
The answer is yes and no. The syntax is syntactic sugar (although in this case it makes things confusing). It is not a function jar
that is called, but the function tasks.getByName
that gets the name and the closure as a parameter.
On https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/more_about_tasks.html it says in part 17.3. Configuring tasks
(Example 17.9. Configuring a task - with closure
This works for any task. Line 3 of the example is just a shortcut for the
method. It is important to note that if you pass a closure to thegetByName()
method, this closure is applied to configure the task, not when the task executes.
So you can also write:
version = '1.0'
tasks.getByName "jar", {
manifest {
attributes 'Implementation-Title': 'Gradle Quickstart',
'Implementation-Version': version