I\'m a bit rusty with vb.net and I need your help for encoding this:
would be an illegal property name in VB, break
might choke C#. So this uses JSON.NET which allows you to change property names easily:
Public Class WorkDay
Public Property starttime As String
Public Property endtime As String
Public Property breaks As New List(Of Break)
End Class
Public Class Break
Public Property starttime As String
Public Property endtime As String
End Class
Deserialize to a Dictionary where the weekday names are the keys:
Dim jstr = ...from whereever
Dim result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of Dictionary(Of String, WorkDay))(jstr)
To iterate:
For Each kvp As KeyValuePair(Of String, WorkDay) In result
Console.WriteLine("Day: {0} start: {1} end: {2}",
kvp.Key, kvp.Value.starttime, kvp.Value.endtime)
Day: monday start: 09:00 end: 18:00
Day: tuesday start: 09:00 end: 18:00
Day: wednesday start: 09:00 end: 18:00
etc they are all the same
I actually thought also to create an object that has the whole week
If you want a flat object, add this class:
Public Class WorkWeek
Public Property monday As WorkDay
Public Property tuesday As WorkDay
Public Property wednesday As WorkDay
Public Property thursday As WorkDay
Public Property friday As WorkDay
Public Property saturday As WorkDay
Public Property sunday As WorkDay
' a ctor to initialize the workday objects when
' starting from VB:
Public Sub New
monday = New WorkDay
tuesday = New WorkDay
' etc...
End Sub
End Class
' deserialize:
Dim myWkWeek = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of WorkWeek)(jstr)
It seems a bit redundant to me, but could be simpler depending on what it is and how it is used.
To create that json from the VB objects, just serialize it:
Dim jstr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(myWkWeek)