Is there any logical difference between the usage of the query operator $and
db.collection.find({$and: [{\"array.field1\": \"someValue\"}, {\"array.
Your first query will find documents, where array have at least one element with field1= somevalue and at least one element with field2=3. Both elements can be different. The second one will retrieve documents where array have at least one element matching the two conditions simultaneously. Here's a data sample to explain :
array: [
field1: 1,
field2: 2
field1: 1,
field2: 3
array: [
field1: 1,
field2: 2
field2: 3
array: [
field1: 1,
field2: "other"
field2: 2
The first query
db.collection.find({"array.field1": 1,"array.field2": 2}) (equivalent to your $and syntax)
will returne the three documents,
db.collection.find({array: {$elemMatch: {field1: 1, field2: 2}}})
will return only the second document (the only one having an element matching both criterias)
EDIT : The logical operator of the first query is OR, for the second one it's AND, at level of array element.