Below is the function to validate date. The should be between Today - 15 and Today. Can some one refactor this code.
phpdatetoday is a
function validate(phpdatetoday, withinDays) {
var inputDateInMillis = Date.parse(phpdatetoday)
if (isNaN(inputDate) || isNaN(withinDays)) {
//handle error
var todayInMillis = (new Date()).setHours(0,0,0,0);
return todayInMillis - inputDateInMillis < (withinDays * 86400000 /*1000ms*60s*60m*24h*/);
Date.setHours() will set the hours/minutes/seconds to zero and return milliseconds since 1 Jan 1970 UTC.
Date.parse() will return the parsed date otherwise if it cannot do it then it will return NaN. You can use isNan() to determine whether a variable's value is a number or not. If 'inputDate' is NaN then you can alert the user that the input date was invalid.