I have a dataset which contains the timing of events in football. A game exceeds 60 minutes, and I\'m trying to calculate intervals. This is the data I have:
Another base R attempt using as.difftime
to specify the units explicitly:
out <- diff(sapply(strsplit(data, ":"), function(x)
Reduce(`+`, Map(as.difftime, as.numeric(x), units=c("mins","secs"))))
# time difference in seconds
#[1] 373 487 823 42 153 463 38 809 197
# formatted string
sprintf("%d:%02d", out %/% 60, out %% 60)
#[1] "6:13" "8:07" "13:43" "0:42" "2:33" "7:43" "0:38" "13:29" "3:17"