How do I make a class whose interface matches double, but whose templated types do not dynamic cast to double?
The reason is that I have a run-time type system, and I wa
You can't derive from native types. Use composition instead:
using namespace std;
template class Bounded
Bounded() {};
Bounded(const Type& rhs) : val_(rhs)
if(rhs > Max || rhs < Min)
throw logic_error("Out Of Bounds");
operator Type () const
return val_;
Type val_;
int main()
typedef Bounded double_10;
double_10 d(-4.2);
cout << "d = " << d << "\n";
double d_prime = d;
cout << "d_prime = " << d_prime << "\n";
double_10 d2(-42.0);
cout << "d2 = " << d << "\n";
return 0;
The output is:
d = -4.2
d_prime = -4.2