I manually run the epochs in a loop, as well as further nested mini-batches in the loop. At each mini-batch, I need to call train_on_batch
, to enable the training o
In practice, 'early stopping' is largely done via: (1) train for X epochs, (2) save the model each time it achieves a new best performance, (3) select the best model. "Best performance" defined as achieving the highest (e.g. accuracy) or lowest (e.g. loss) validation metric - example script below:
best_val_loss = 999 # arbitrary init - should be high if 'best' is low, and vice versa
num_epochs = 5
epoch = 0
while epoch < num_epochs:
model.train_on_batch(x_train, y_train) # get x, y somewhere in the loop
val_loss = model.evaluate(x_val, y_val)
if val_loss < best_val_loss:
model.save(best_model_path) # OR model.save_weights()
print("Best model w/ val loss {} saved to {}".format(val_loss, best_model_path))
# ...
epoch += 1
See saving Keras models. If you rather early-stop directly, then define some metric - i.e. condition - that'll end the train loop. For example,
while True:
loss = model.train_on_batch(...)
if loss < .02: