use Doctrine\\ORM\\Mapping as ORM;
use Symfony\\Component\\Validator\\Constraints as Assert;
use Symfony\\Bridge\\Doctrine\\Validator\\Co
trouble was in form Type class, to work this unique-combination you have to add all values to fields you want to be unique, on my example will be
->add('accountID', 'hidden', array ('data' => $options['acountID']))
->add('keyID', 'text')
->add('vCode', 'text');
i added hidden field (accontID) and fill it with data and then i got proper error to form-errors, if you will not fill there will be null values (so i don't know why it will NOT check uniques)
that is solution for me but basicly @Sybio help meto understand a lot of so i will check his answer as answer ^_^