I\'m working on a problem and one solution would require an input of every 14x10 matrix that is possible to be made up of 1\'s and 0\'s... how can I generate these so that I can
I was actually much more pessimistic to begin with, but consider:
from math import log, e
def timeInYears(totalOpsNeeded=2**140, currentOpsPerSecond=10**9, doublingPeriodInYears=1.5):
secondsPerYear = 365.25 * 24 * 60 * 60
doublingPeriodInSeconds = doublingPeriodInYears * secondsPerYear
k = log(2,e) / doublingPeriodInSeconds # time-proportionality constant
timeInSeconds = log(1 + k*totalOpsNeeded/currentOpsPerSecond, e) / k
return timeInSeconds / secondsPerYear
if we assume that computer processing power continues to double every 18 months, and you can currently do a billion combinations per second (optimistic, but for sake of argument) and you start today, your calculation will be complete on or about April 29th 2137.