How do you generate random numbers effectively?
Every time a random number program boots up, it starts spitting same numbers as before. (I guess because of quasi nature of
You can use a chaotic map to generate random numbers. The C++ code below (GenRandRea) returns a vector of random number using the so-called "Tent map" ( The seed is an integer that is used to generate x (as a number between 0. and 1.) as input of the iterative map. Diferent seeds will generate different sequences.
vector GenRandRea(unsigned seed, int VecDim){
double x, y, f;
vector retval;
x = 0.5*(abs(sin((double)seed)) + abs(cos((double)seed)));
for (int i = 0; i<(tentmap_delay + VecDim); i++) {
if ((x >= 0.) && (x <= 0.5)) {
f = 2 * tentmap_r * x;
else {
f = 2 * tentmap_r * (1. - x);
if (i>=tentmap_delay) {
y = (x*tentmap_const) - (int)(x*tentmap_const);
x = f;
return retval;
const double tentmap_r = 0.75; //parameter for the tent map
const int tentmap_delay = 50; /*number of interactions in the tent map
allowing for sorting */
const double tentmap_const = 1.e6; //constant for the tent map
VecDim is the output vector dimension. The ideia is to iterate at least (tentmap_delay + VecDim) turns and write the result in retval (a vector of doubles).
To use this code:
vector val;
val = GenRandRea(2, 10);
for (int kk=0; kk<10;kk++){
cout << setprecision(9) << val[kk] << endl;
which will for example produce:
0.767902586 0.848146121 0.727780818 0.408328773 0.88750684 0.83126026 0.253109609 0.620335586 0.569496621 0.145755069